Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chapter 15// Cultural Transformations: Religion and Science

Why Europe?
  • Historical development as a (new energy) and fragmented (break up) civilization arguably gave rise to the conditions favorable to the scientific enterprise
  • They had an evolving legal system 
  • Autonomy of its emerging Universities
Major Figures in the Scientific Revolution had been trained and were affiliated with these Universities. Such Universities were "NEUTRAL ZONES OF INTELLECT AUTONOMY" in which scholars could pursue their studies free from the dictate of the Church or state authorities. Heavily influenced by Greek thinker Aristotle

From Islamic point of view, Natural Science and philosophy were viewed with great suspicion. 

Before Scientific Revolution, Europeans believed that the universe centered around earth and around it revolved the sun, moon and stars. The Scientific Revolution challenged this theory

  • Nicolaus Copernicus Polish- He said at the middle of all things lay the sun and the earth, like the other planets, revolved around it 1543
Sir Issac Newton- formulated the modern laws of motion and mechanics (remained unchallenged until the 20th century) "Idea was that all bodies are endowed with a principle of mutual gravitation"
The view was that the heavens and earth, long regarded as separate and distinct spheres, were not so different after all. The same natural law that governed the orbiting planted governed the motion of a cannon ball or the falling of an apple.

Rene Descartes resolved to seek no other knowledge than that which I might find within myself, or perhaps in the book of nature- French Philosopher "I think, therefore I am"

Newton- Biblical Scholar said that the beautiful system of the universe had to have come from an intelligent being

Galileo- proclaimed the compatibility between Science and Faith

Enlightenment 18th Century- NEW approach to knowledge is rooted in Human Reasoning
Central Theme of Enlightenment was the idea of PROGRESS

Evolution of Human Civilization through Science and Religion?

Filipinos, Siberians, and many Native American peoples borrowed elements of Christianity from Europeans

Numerous Asians and Africans borrowed Islam from the Arabs

The Scientific revolution and the European Enlightenment was a challenge to Christianity and its understandings. The same could be said of the Protestant Reformation. The documents look into the celebrated power of Human Reasoning and the possibilities of a new human society by this idea. I feel as if the first paragraph on page 757 echoes what we know now. Knowledge (before human reasoning) was not understood entirely and yet we passed this down to our children for generations. Now that they have a chance to reestablish the human intelligence correctly, they must do so because it is unstoppable progress when individual minds are given the power to think for themselves.

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