Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chapter 22: the End of Empires

20th Century demise of many empires

  1. Austrian and Ottoman
  2. Russian
  3. German
  4. Japan
  5. African
  6. Asian
WW2 weakened and discredited any sense of European moral superiority. Both the US and Soviet Union opposed old traditional European colonial empires, even as they created empire like relationships of their own. United Nations provided a platform for anticolonial agitation. This all contributed to the global illegitimacy of empire, which encouraged African and Asians seeking political independence. Also, 2nd or 3rd generation of  Western-educated elites rose among the colonial world and they were knowledgeable with European culture. Leaders arose within many colonies and had millions of people following in their footsteps and beliefs. One such example is Gandhi. 
Image result for British in India
Unlike many other countries, the British did NOT assimilate into Indian culture. This is how they differed from other invaders. Their acute sense of racial and cultural distinctiveness kept them apart. This intensified Indians awareness of their collective difference from their alien rulers. Pros about India under British rule
  • Schools
  • Newspapers
  • Railroad
  • Telegraph
  • Postal services
  • Administrative networks
The British increased communication between many of the Indians and bound them together and its people. The reform of Hinduism registered this sense of cultural unity. INC hoped to gain greater inclusion within the political, military, and business life of British India. They were made up of India's most educated.
Image result for gandhi
Gandhi became a lawyer and went to work in South Africa. There he experienced racism for the first time and he developed a concept that included combining Muslims and Hindus. Emerging political philosophy called satyahraha (truth force). He transformed INC into a mass organization that had millions of followers. He sought the moral transformation of individuals. There was a DEEP struggle between Hindus and Muslims in political office. Part of India that contained alot of Muslims would be called PAKISTAN. The British left India after WW2 and India was split into two parts. 

Image result for nelson mandelaSouth Africa had been independent of Great Britain since 1910 so their case was different from Indias. Independence was granted to an ALL WHITE government control. The white population represented less than 20% of the entire population. The countrys black citizens had not political rights. They struggled against internal enemy rather than a distant colonial power. The African community depended solely on the White- controlled economy. AFC was established like the INC in India. Again, it was an all male educated force. Nelson Mandela was part of the AFC in the 2nd generation and was inspired by the actions taken by Gandhi. The end came without a racial bloodbath. There was no religious reasons for the separation of people. It was their skin color.

Africa- Divison was racial issue
India- Divison was religious issue

Colonial rule drew to close and population growth in the world sprouted quickly. Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. Many Europeans sought to instill democratic institutions to their colonies that they had long governed as an absolute power. The established the government roles and proceeded to help the locals develop democracies similar to their own. Indias political system had the deepest roots of establishment. The struggle for Independence in India provided time for an Indian Political leadership to sort itself out. In Africa, democracy was weak and fragile. Only a few African nations kept their democratic institutions. Only the economic disappointments contributed to the erosion of support for democracy. 

Chile- Salvador Allende was voted into power and wanted a peaceful transition into a socialist government. He tried to redistribute wealth and had wages raised. Copper, coal, steel and many more followed. Internal opposition rose up against them. USA was against Allende. By the year 2000, Latin America had abandoned their military controlled regimes and returned to their democratic governance (some sort). 

Islam with Culture: the Role of Island in Turkey and Iran
Ataturk believed to become modern, you have to enter European civilization completely. He sought to change things from Arabic to Turkish. Women were granted equal rights such as divorce. Men showed symbols of Ataturks revolution by not wearing the fez. After his death, everything returned to Islam. 


  1. Wasn't this a really interesting chapter? I learned a lot more about Ghandi than I did in high school. I had no idea he had done so much for the people and influenced so many others.

    1. Yes it was! I never understood in depth what Gandhi's motive was. And to think he sought the moral transformation of people (something so simple as an idea) that pushed him to the forefront of the movement for Peace in India.
