Friday, April 29, 2016

Edited: Chapter 23 1137-1171, visual sources 1182-87

Bretton Woods System: negotiated the rules for commercial and financial dealings with the major capitalist countries, while promoting relatively free trade, stable currency values linked to the U.S dollar, and high levels of capital investment.

Central to the acceleration of economic globalization has been huge global businesses known as transnational corporations (TNCs), which produce goods or deliver services know was multinational corporations. The book relays the example of making USA Barbie dolls are that acquire different components from different countries such as China and Indonesia.

The Impact of tightening economic links have increased poverty rates in many regions of the world. The instability of the emerging world economy and the distribution of wealth it has generated. Nothing since the Great Depression has more clearly stated the unsettling consequences of global connections in the absence of global regulation that the worldwide contraction that happened in 2008.

Inflated housing market triggered millions of foreclosed homes, unemployment, tightening of credit, and declining consumer spending. The crisis spread like a domino effect across the world starting with Iceland. Their economy collapsed overnight as three major banks failed, country's stock market dove 70% all in a week. The modern economic system has also created a new division between the rich and the poor. The global capitalist system has produced a very uneven field. The USA has also seen its share of shifting global division of labor to China/Asia/Latin America. This left many American workers left to work in low-wage service sectors.

A strand of western feminism emerged from women of color. They felt the need to be liberated from the chains of homemaking. Colored women found the homemaker as a secure base from racism.  It was essential in confronting a racist America. Women in Asia/Latin America/Africa found it much difficult to have their voice heard than women in America. Once independence or a revolution was achieved, these women found themselves in marginal positions. To many African feminists, the concerns of American/European sisters were too individualistic, too focused on sexuality, and insufficiently concerned with the focus of motherhood. Recently in 2004, Morocco recognized women as equals to their husbands and was allowed to divorce and claim child custody.

Feminism registered as a global issue when the UN declared in 1975 as Internationals Women's Year. By 2006, 183 nations have committed to promoting women's legal equality, to end discrimination, to actively encourage women's development and to protects women's rights.

Underlying the environmental changes of the 20th century were three factors, human population explosion, human impact on piles of earth ecological system and medical and sanitary advancements that lowered death rates.  The global spread of modern industry heavily depended on fossil fuels and created pollution in many cities.

Visual Sources:
The first picture illustrates labor outsourcing to many third world countries. The picture of the blue jeans gives the idea that these workers are making American products in sweatshops. These are countries that have less regulated laws on employees and wages. It is also less expensive and the environmental regulations are minor. the 2nd visual illustrates a culture of consumerism for modern china. Big Tvs, color Tvs, washing machines and electric fans all made their debut. the third visual shows the abused corporate power on the people of that region. The fourth visual refelcts the globalization process.

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