Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Strayer, Chapter 17 documents (pp. 862-877)

The Experience of an English Factory Worker
IR was responsible for transformation in the organization of work in the factory. Concentrated human labor in a single place and separated workers by assigning them highly specialized and repetitive tasks. The overhead management placed strict rules and regulated workers lives according to clock time. As a result of the investigations into the conditions in textile mills, legislation in 1833 limited the hours of employment for woman and children. Elizabeth Bentley testified about the conditions.

A Weavers Lament
IR destroyed livelihood of craftsmen (skilled artisans). This song was sung by unemployed weavers as they paraded through the streets of Coventry on their way to relief work, often in stone quarries. It represents their distress at an economic system that has seemed to cast them aside.

A middle-class Understanding of the Industrial Poor- Thrift
Samuel Smiles writes that even though England is one of the richest countries in the world with the IR booming and an unlimited supply of food, gold, laborers, work, money, etc. Even with all this wealth that has been amassed, the poverty rate is enormous. the question is, what has become of the poorer class in so called civilization? IN respect, the poorer class represent savages tribes because they know nothing of tomorrow, they eat, sleep and work in a repetitive cycle. However, the savages no better and can do no worse.  When man are bad, society is bad. Everything that is wrong with Society is because of the individual. the poorer class are defined as people who live day to day without plan, without rule, without forethought are on the path to inevitable distress. What  got from the reading was that if people were educated on how to save and spend their money for what they needed instead of indulging day by day, they would be better off and have a chance to spend their lives more soberly, religiously and virtuously.

The Communist Manifesto
Bourgeoisie Vs Proletariat
Society is divided into class that are facing each other. The discovery of America has established a world market. The bourgeoise class of people have turned themselves into wage laborers (priest, lawyer, scientist, poet). They have become merchants that have set up cities and towns everywhere in the world. Inspired by new industries rising, this class of people find new wants and satisfaction of products of distant lands and climes. They have set up weapons (IR) that bring death to itself and the holder of that weapon is the MODERN WORKING CLASS- the Proletariat or lower class. The Laborers are replaceable because they are exposed to all the fluctuations of the market. The lower of the middle class (shopkeepers, retired tradesmen, handicraftsmen) eventually sink into the Proletariat class. They are compared to soldiers being under command of hierarchy. The Bourgeoise produces inequality between the Proletariat who find themselves often at disagreement within their political parties. A small section of the ruling class cuts them self adrift and joins the revolutionary class. And then towards the end, it talks about a world in the hands of the Proletariat and what would happen.

Art and Industrial Revolution
Variations in attitudes towards IR in the work of visual artists. Through the exhibition in London of 1851, the pride, achievement, and superiority of the English was shown through the work of artists who captured the voice of the IR in England visually. The most prominent symbol of the IR in England was the railroad. Why? Because it was a thing of wonder, power and speed. 

The painting on page 874 was kind of misleading because it showed the female workers as being happy and joyful during their dinner outside of the factory. This was untrue because of the first document where Elizabeth Bentley testified about the working hours and conditions in the textile factory that were not up to standard. What marks the women as working class women are their outfits and hairnets. Also, the factory smoke in the background is very telling of where they are. 

Photo page 875- Shows child labor in the factory working life. All the children are dirty and they seem sad, disheartened and this is not childlike characteristics. The impression is dark. The last pic depicts the terror and horrors of factory life after work. This is possibly where they all live together children and adults alike. They seem terrified and tired. The man smoking the pipe is most likely a supervisor for the owner watching over the workers. 

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