Monday, February 22, 2016

Revolutions of Industrialization 827-861

The idea of Industrialization has embraced in every kind of society, both for the wealth it generates and for the power it conveys, began in Great Britain 18th century.

Industrial Revolution between 1750 and 1900. Drew on scientific revolution, French revolution and propelled European into the temporary position of global dominance. Industrial Revolution marks a human response to that Delima (global energy demands) as nonrenewable fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas replace the earlier reliance on the endlessly renewable energy of wind, water, wood and the power of people and animals. IR marked new era in human history and history of the planet called "AGE OF MAN."  Also note, culture of innovation- widespread and almost obsessive belief that things could be endlessly improved. Early signs of IR in Britain was the innovations that transformed the cotton textile production. 
Greatest breakthrough in Britain was Coal-fired steam engine because it could power ships, locomotive and a number of machines. Later, 19th century, a so-called 2nd IR focused on chemicals, electricity, precision machinery, the telegraph, telephone, rubber, printing, and much more. Eventually spread to Western Europe, Russia, Japan and United States. 

India had long been the world center of cotton textile production, and the first to turn sugar cane juice into crystallized sugar. China was clearly the world leader in technological innovation between 700-1400 CE, prompting scholars to suggest they were on the EDGE of IR by 1200. Pace of technology change began to pick up in Europe during the early modern era. 2 Interesting factors of why IR happened in Europe. 1- certain patterns of Europe's internal developement that favored innovation. The small and highly competitive states provided an insurance against economic and technological stagnation (Other empires lacked this such as Ottoman). New monarchs purshed European royals into alliance with their merchant classes. States granted charters and monopolies to private trading companies, and governments founded scientific societies and offered prizes to promote innovation. Well on their way to capatalist economies. 2nd possibly new global network with the world (Japan, China, India) Networ exchange biggest!! Indian cotten textiles into Europe were one factor driving innovation in the British textile industry. Competition from desireable Asian goods played role in Europe's IR. In the America's, europe found silver that allowed them to operate in Asian markets. Succes stemed from ability to draw disproportionately in worlds resources. 

Why Britain?
British political life encouraged commercialization and economic revolution (allowed people of all faith with technical skills) France did not! Britain was a free arena for provate enterprise than elsewhere. Science in Britain  (secientific revolution) was different from other nations because it was concerned with observation, experiment, precise measurements, mechnical devices, etc. Science in the world was based on logic, mathametical reasoning and deducation! Britain had a readily supply of coal and iron ore. Island of Britain was protected by its location. 

IR transformed british society- increased population and urbanization sustained a demand for food products grown on the land. High Tariffs on imported goods were abolished. Those who benefitted the most from the IR was the Middle Classes. Reform Bill of 1832, right to vote to many men but banned women. 70 % of Britains population were the LABORING CLASS. Manual workers suffered more from the IR and benefitted least from epic transformations. Early decades of 19th century, Britains industray favored girls and young unmarried women because they would accept low wages and do repetitive jobs.

Karl Marx- German by birth. Said industral capitalism was an unstable system, doomed to collaspe in a revolutionary upheavel that would give birth to a classes society. He was a "scientific scoialism." 

European IR- 50-55 Mil people left home for Americas, AUssie, NZ, South Africa and elsewhere. They were pushed by rapid growth and displacement of peasent farming and artisan manufacturing. America felt the BRUNT of this huge movement of people. 

US- pioneered techniques such as Assembly line, scientific management, produce for a mass market. "Middle Class" culture of consumption to produce for a mass market. Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller.
American federation of labor focused on skilled workers excluded the more radical unskilled laborers and refused to align with any party limited its influence in the political arena. Massive immigration from Europe began in 1840s, created a very diverse industrial labor force on top of the country's sharp radical divide. 
Abuse of Capitalists- 1890s rose "populists" railed against banks, and major political parties. Progressives pushed for specific reforms such as wages and hours legislation, better sanitation standards, antitrust laws and greater government intervention in the economy. Distinctive feature American response to industrialization was that Socialism was Un American and fear of big government. 

Russia- Monarchy ruled solely and answered to God, not the people. Most Russians were peasant serfs, bound to the estates of their masters, subject to sale, exercised for greater control over individuals and society than anywhere else in the Western world. Differences between Russia and US 

  1. change came from farmers, workers, businessmen who sought new opportunities and operated a political system that gave them degrees of expression
  2. In Russia, change was initiated by the state itself in an effort to catch up with Europe. Called "Transformation from above" found an early expression by Peter the great. It was a state directed change.
Many Russians thought of serfdom as incompatible with modern civilization and it held back the country's overall development, economic and industrial development. Freeing of serfs by French and British in 1861. During the 1890s, Russia experienced its own IR and it was growing rapidly. by 1900, they ranked fourth in the world in steel production and had many major industries in coal, textiles, and oil. This increased a middle class of businessmen professionals and they objected strongly to the deep conservations of tsarist s Russia, but they were dependent on those contracts from the government. 

1905 Workers in Russia went on strike and created their own representative councils called SOVIETS. Peasant upbringings, student demonstrations, revolts of non-Russian nationalists and mutinies in the military all contributed to the upheaval.  This is the foundation of their revolution, forced the Tsar's regime to make more substantial reforms than ever. Made a constitution, legalized trade unions and political  parties and permitted the election of a national assembly called the DUMA.  Actual revolution in 1917 came by way of WWI. 

Industrial Revolution: Latin America
After independence, the Latin American countries experienced a burgeoning commerce was largest scale investment in the world at that time. Substantial financial transfer from European countries for goods made in Latin America. Buenos Aires, Argentina billed itself "paris of South America." They sought to attract more European's with promise because CIVILIZATION, PROGRESS and MODERNITY derived from Europe. Mexican Revolution between 1910-1920 made a constitution in 1917 redistributed land, stripped catholic church of any role in public education forbade it to own land, announced rights of workers such as minimum wage and eight hour workday. They didn't have a IR, they developed a form of economic growth that was largely financed by capital from abroad and dependent on European and North American prosperity and decisions. 

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