Friday, April 29, 2016

Edited: Chapter 23 1137-1171, visual sources 1182-87

Bretton Woods System: negotiated the rules for commercial and financial dealings with the major capitalist countries, while promoting relatively free trade, stable currency values linked to the U.S dollar, and high levels of capital investment.

Central to the acceleration of economic globalization has been huge global businesses known as transnational corporations (TNCs), which produce goods or deliver services know was multinational corporations. The book relays the example of making USA Barbie dolls are that acquire different components from different countries such as China and Indonesia.

The Impact of tightening economic links have increased poverty rates in many regions of the world. The instability of the emerging world economy and the distribution of wealth it has generated. Nothing since the Great Depression has more clearly stated the unsettling consequences of global connections in the absence of global regulation that the worldwide contraction that happened in 2008.

Inflated housing market triggered millions of foreclosed homes, unemployment, tightening of credit, and declining consumer spending. The crisis spread like a domino effect across the world starting with Iceland. Their economy collapsed overnight as three major banks failed, country's stock market dove 70% all in a week. The modern economic system has also created a new division between the rich and the poor. The global capitalist system has produced a very uneven field. The USA has also seen its share of shifting global division of labor to China/Asia/Latin America. This left many American workers left to work in low-wage service sectors.

A strand of western feminism emerged from women of color. They felt the need to be liberated from the chains of homemaking. Colored women found the homemaker as a secure base from racism.  It was essential in confronting a racist America. Women in Asia/Latin America/Africa found it much difficult to have their voice heard than women in America. Once independence or a revolution was achieved, these women found themselves in marginal positions. To many African feminists, the concerns of American/European sisters were too individualistic, too focused on sexuality, and insufficiently concerned with the focus of motherhood. Recently in 2004, Morocco recognized women as equals to their husbands and was allowed to divorce and claim child custody.

Feminism registered as a global issue when the UN declared in 1975 as Internationals Women's Year. By 2006, 183 nations have committed to promoting women's legal equality, to end discrimination, to actively encourage women's development and to protects women's rights.

Underlying the environmental changes of the 20th century were three factors, human population explosion, human impact on piles of earth ecological system and medical and sanitary advancements that lowered death rates.  The global spread of modern industry heavily depended on fossil fuels and created pollution in many cities.

Visual Sources:
The first picture illustrates labor outsourcing to many third world countries. The picture of the blue jeans gives the idea that these workers are making American products in sweatshops. These are countries that have less regulated laws on employees and wages. It is also less expensive and the environmental regulations are minor. the 2nd visual illustrates a culture of consumerism for modern china. Big Tvs, color Tvs, washing machines and electric fans all made their debut. the third visual shows the abused corporate power on the people of that region. The fourth visual refelcts the globalization process.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Chapter 22 documents (pp. 1120-1135)

22.1- Mustafa addressed the congress on removing Islam from any significant role public life. He directly mentions the FEZ in his speech and calls is a sign of hatred to progress and civilization. He wanted to restrict it to personal devotion. He also called for an abolition of caliphate (a person considered a religious successor to the prophet Mohammad). Usually this person is a leader of the entire Muslim community.

22.2- Supreme leader of Iran Khomeini. He says Islam is the fight against colonialism. Anti-Islam governments should not be allowed to survive. The duty of all Muslims in the world is to ensure the survival of the Muslim religion and an end to all other governments. Westernization makes a person lose their inability to distinguish between good and evil actions/thoughts. Laws are not to be made by people, only the Qu'ran. There is no subject Islam has not expressed a judgment.

23.3- Describes the history behind Muslim religion and reminds the reader that Islam is not about terrorism or fear. There is a small percentage of Muslims that have misconstructed the teachings of Islam to justify their misguided and immoral actions.

22.4- The life and transition of Hirsi Ali. She moved to the Netherlands, was disowned by her father and eventually moved to the United States. She was a Muslim turned Athiest. She changed her idea on life after encountering Enlightenment and Western Individualism.

Visual Sources:
22.1- the poster reflects the ANC's more aggressive posture. Why? Because there is a native shield in the painting with a spear alongside the flag pole. That suggests they will fight for their freedom and independence.

22.2- The poster chooses to celebrate a specific event in time. Shows that the struggle against the US and Japanese was extremely prolonging and extremely difficult. Gives hope to the citizens that the government is becoming successful in their fight. I take the poster as do not give up!

22.3- the poster shows the Zionist message of buying a piece of land and migrating to Israel. Shows imagery of fruitful agriculture and the possibilities that awaits those who make the move.

22.4- Shows a Palestinian farmer. this was done in order to commemorate those 6 Palestinians that were killed in demonstrations against Israeli confiscation of their land.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chapter 22: the End of Empires

20th Century demise of many empires

  1. Austrian and Ottoman
  2. Russian
  3. German
  4. Japan
  5. African
  6. Asian
WW2 weakened and discredited any sense of European moral superiority. Both the US and Soviet Union opposed old traditional European colonial empires, even as they created empire like relationships of their own. United Nations provided a platform for anticolonial agitation. This all contributed to the global illegitimacy of empire, which encouraged African and Asians seeking political independence. Also, 2nd or 3rd generation of  Western-educated elites rose among the colonial world and they were knowledgeable with European culture. Leaders arose within many colonies and had millions of people following in their footsteps and beliefs. One such example is Gandhi. 
Image result for British in India
Unlike many other countries, the British did NOT assimilate into Indian culture. This is how they differed from other invaders. Their acute sense of racial and cultural distinctiveness kept them apart. This intensified Indians awareness of their collective difference from their alien rulers. Pros about India under British rule
  • Schools
  • Newspapers
  • Railroad
  • Telegraph
  • Postal services
  • Administrative networks
The British increased communication between many of the Indians and bound them together and its people. The reform of Hinduism registered this sense of cultural unity. INC hoped to gain greater inclusion within the political, military, and business life of British India. They were made up of India's most educated.
Image result for gandhi
Gandhi became a lawyer and went to work in South Africa. There he experienced racism for the first time and he developed a concept that included combining Muslims and Hindus. Emerging political philosophy called satyahraha (truth force). He transformed INC into a mass organization that had millions of followers. He sought the moral transformation of individuals. There was a DEEP struggle between Hindus and Muslims in political office. Part of India that contained alot of Muslims would be called PAKISTAN. The British left India after WW2 and India was split into two parts. 

Image result for nelson mandelaSouth Africa had been independent of Great Britain since 1910 so their case was different from Indias. Independence was granted to an ALL WHITE government control. The white population represented less than 20% of the entire population. The countrys black citizens had not political rights. They struggled against internal enemy rather than a distant colonial power. The African community depended solely on the White- controlled economy. AFC was established like the INC in India. Again, it was an all male educated force. Nelson Mandela was part of the AFC in the 2nd generation and was inspired by the actions taken by Gandhi. The end came without a racial bloodbath. There was no religious reasons for the separation of people. It was their skin color.

Africa- Divison was racial issue
India- Divison was religious issue

Colonial rule drew to close and population growth in the world sprouted quickly. Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. Many Europeans sought to instill democratic institutions to their colonies that they had long governed as an absolute power. The established the government roles and proceeded to help the locals develop democracies similar to their own. Indias political system had the deepest roots of establishment. The struggle for Independence in India provided time for an Indian Political leadership to sort itself out. In Africa, democracy was weak and fragile. Only a few African nations kept their democratic institutions. Only the economic disappointments contributed to the erosion of support for democracy. 

Chile- Salvador Allende was voted into power and wanted a peaceful transition into a socialist government. He tried to redistribute wealth and had wages raised. Copper, coal, steel and many more followed. Internal opposition rose up against them. USA was against Allende. By the year 2000, Latin America had abandoned their military controlled regimes and returned to their democratic governance (some sort). 

Islam with Culture: the Role of Island in Turkey and Iran
Ataturk believed to become modern, you have to enter European civilization completely. He sought to change things from Arabic to Turkish. Women were granted equal rights such as divorce. Men showed symbols of Ataturks revolution by not wearing the fez. After his death, everything returned to Islam. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ch 21 (pp. 1035-1068) + Ch 21 documents (pp. 1069-1085 – choose one)

Modern Communism found its political and philosophical roots in 19th century European socialism, inspired by the teachings of Karl Marxx. The Soviet Union was the 1st country to experience an uncompromising revolution. In Marxx's theory, Communism- final stage of historical development when social equality and collective living would be most fully developed, largely without private property. Socialism was an immediate stage along the way to that final goal.

Socialisma political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

Communisma political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Countries that experienced communism in the wake of WW2- China, Cuba, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Soviet Union. Below is a short video (2:34m) from youtube explaining communism, it's political views and the countries that have been affected and are communist. 

Communist revolutionaries got rid of old class rulings and dispossessed landed aristocracies. All three revolutions (France, Russia, Chinese) found their vision of the good society in a mordernizing future. 

Took place in 1917. Immense pressures of WW1 represented the catalyst for that revolution as the accumulated tensions of Russian society exploded. Peasants seized landlord estates, trade unions seized control of their factories, serfs emerged to speak for ordinary people and Non-russian nationalist demanded independence. Spelled the end of the Romanov dynasty. Lenin believed Russia was ready for a socialist revolution. Civil war erupted and the Bolsheviks harshly regimented the economy. Renamed the country the Soviet Union and it stayed that way for the next 25years. 

Communism triumphed in China in 1949, 30 years after Russia. Mao Zedong emerged as the ruler of China in 1949. They sought the country's peasant villagers for support. European Marxism was once again adopted. They recruited women by drawing on their liberation and they established a marriage law that outlawed arranged marriages, made divorce easier and gave women the right to vote. It was japans invasion that gave the CCP Chinas Communist party a decisive opening. The CCP reduced taxes, rents, interest payments for peasants and taught literacy to adults. The group gained a reputation for honesty. They won by pursuing the struggle to fight off the Japanese. 

Once in power, communist parties set the tone for the construction of socialist societies. For Russia, this was Stalin and for China, it was Zedong. Modernization and industrialization of their backwards society was the idea behind their socialist societies. Communist counties in fact pioneered forms of women liberation that were only adopted LATER in the West. For Russia, that meant that Marriage became a union among free consenting adults, women were given leave for pregnancy, women did not have to take their husbands names and they were actively mobilized as workers in the country drive to industrialization. However. women appeared rarely at the top of with countries leadership.

The Great leap forward 1958-60: Mao's first response to the distortions of Chinese socialism.  It promoted small scale industrialization in the rural areas rather than focusing on the large enterprises in the city. It promoted wide scale practical technology education for all rather than relying on small and elite trained professionals. IN the 60s, he launched the Proletarian Cultural Revolution to combat the capitalist tendencies that he believed had penetrated even the highest ranks of the Communist Party itself. Cons of the communist parties, they set out within each territory to rid the country of capitalist influenced people. This meant killing them and sentencing them to hard labor. Millions of people suffered and this is what most people think of when they think of communism. Nobody ever thinks about the pros.

American and British desired for open and democratic societies with ties to capitalist world economy.  To Americans, a communist victory meant further communist expansion into Asia and beyond. Cold war era never happened. Castro nationalization of American assets  provoked great USA hostility. Russia removed themselves and theirs nukes on American promise not to invade CUBA and allow them to stay communist. The cuban missile crisis gave way to the race for nuclear weapons. WW2 and the cold war gave way for the USA to step to the stage as the World's global superpower. The USA was the only major industrial country to avoid physical devastation on its own spoils. China eventually criticized Russia for backing down during the Cuban Missile crisis. The Russians thought Mao was insane to consider the possibilities of a nuclear war. During the 60s, Russia backed out of helping the Chinese create their nuclear weapon. They were at the brink of war on each other. 

Communism came to an end towards the last 20 years of the 20th century. Death of China's leader with it came the abandonment of Maoist communism ideas by the CCP. The Soviet collapsed. Their powerful economy broke down. Communism had disappeared entirely as the ruling authority. 

Visual Course 21.3
So I chose to write about the first picture on the left. It shows a Chinese woman representing Communism's core values by having freedom. She is shown to be free to work and free from a marriage since she is of age to be married (no ring on finger). In China during the communist regime, they advocated for women's liberation. They established marriage laws that banned arranged marriages, made divorce easier and gave women the freedom to vote. These things also happened in Russia. Isn't is funny that the communist countries were the first to shed light on Women's liberation rather than the West? The 2nd picture is an American one which was to encourage women to enlist in the American workforce. They both women as being strong and capable. There was wartime labor shortages in America and they needed women's help. The Chinese woman is lightly smiling which shows her content and satisfaction with what she is doing. It is a very moving poster.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A New period in World History + document

the beginning pages recapped the start of the industrial revolutions, the reasons for their starts and the gap between people in poverty & those who were considered well off! The pages also discussed the growth spurt of the world population happening in Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle east. There was discussion about WW1 which led to WW2, Hitler's plan to annihilate the Jews, USA's use of the atomic bomb on Japan and the mounting impact of the human population on the environment. 

By the early 20th century, the balance of power was expressed in 2 rival alliances, the Triple alliance of Germany,Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Triple Entente of Russia, France and Britain. These alliances transformed an incident in the BALKANs into something that consumed most of Europe. June 28,1914- Serbian nationalist assassinated heir to Austro-Hungarian throne.

Austro-Hungarian Empire viewed the surging nationalist of Serbian Slavs was a mortal threat to the cohesion of their empire which included SLAVIC people. However, Slavics were being protected by Russia who was in an alliance with France and Britain. These are the aspects that contributed to WW1. Other aspects included the competition between the Great Powers of Europe. Competition for 
  1. Colonies
  2. Spheres of Influence
  3. Superiority in armaments (military weapons and equipment)
The war had global dimensions and centered in Europe. USA joined in 1917 only after Germany threatened its ships. The help aided the French and the British. War ended in German defeat 1918 November. The war required the mobilization of each country's entire population, thus the authority of the Government expanded greatly.

Aftermath of war brought social and cultural changes. Problem was integrating millions of war veterans into civilization who needed mental help. Women were encouraged to leave their jobs and return home so that there would be no competition for mens jobs.French authorities Made mothers day to encourage childbearing and replace millions lost in the war. The war loosen the hold on traditional values. Women received the right to vote!

War transformed political life with new map pf Central Europe with independent poland, Czech, Yugoslavia and other nations. In Russia, the strains of war triggered revolutionary upheaval and launched world communism. 

The treaty of versailles formally concluded war in 1919 established conditions to create WW2. The conditions of the treaty made Germans vengeful and shot Adolf Hitler to prominence. War also brought end to Ottoman Empire creating new countries and middle east. 

The war brought USA center stage as global power. Turned USA into Europe's creditor. 

The Great depression:
Banks closed, people lost their life savings, World trade dropped by 62%, businesses were unable to sell products. LOSS of WORK. Unemployment soared reaching 30%. Spread from American to Europe. Why?
  1. Farms and factories produced  more goods that could be sold
  2. Unequal distribution of income
  3. Made people unable to buy products that Americans were making
  4. Also, Europe was unable to purchase the goods
  5. Germany and Austria repayment were loaned from USA, BRITAIN, FRANCE
  6. Most of these loans were debited to USA
  7. Europe's increasing production reduced need for American products
  8. The economic linkages globalized the Great Depression

The Great Depression affected Latin America. Led way for Mexican revolution. Changes were the growing role of the army in politics, authoritarian, populist, and interventionalist governments, assumptions that governments should improve economic life.

Fascism- Found expression in Europe. Intentionally nationalist- seeking to revitalize and purify the nation and to mobilize its people for some grand task. They condemned individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary democracy, and communism. they were revolutionary in embracing traditional values and their opposition of modern life. TOOK SHAPE in ITALY. Benito Mussolini & Hitler. Fascism combats the whole complex system of democratic ideology. JAPAN- developed extensive imperial ambitions of conquest and empire building collided with the interest of the world powers such as USA, Britain. WW2 global conflict with independent origins in both Asia and Europe. Japan attacked pearl harbor 1941. USA ended war with atomic bomb drop in 1945. 

WW2 weakened Europes hold on their colonies (Asia & Africa). Communist parties took power all over Europe (east). WW2 allowed Communist China parties to take over. Renewed affair to maintain world peace. 

Marshall Plac- funneled $12B into Europe motivated by humanitarian concern and desire to prevent new depression by creating customers for American Industrial Goods and interest in undermining European Communist parties. 

Document: I chose the document 20.1 of the German Thor. Image depicts Germany as the enemy of Christianity as he is about to smash a church in the poster. The image is moving and eye gouging. In a time where everyone turned to newspapers for information, this is successful in informing the country of France as to where they stand with Germany. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Strayer, Chapter 19 (pp. 931-957) + Chapter 19 documents (pp. 958-971).

Empires in Collision:

1793- China rejects British request for open trade

1911- End of Qing Dynasty: Chinese revolution

In their own eyes, China was the civilized center of the entire world- The middle Kingdom

China was a victim of their own earlier success, they had a population growth of 300 million plus and there was no IR that accompanied this vast growth of people/ no agricultural production was able to keep up. The result was growing pressure on land, smaller farms for China's huge peasant population.
Eventually, central state lost power to provincial officials and local gentry. 

Taiping Uprising- gave women more freedom, they were able to fight in battle instead of having their feet bound like traditional Chinese women, Believed in Christianity and rejected Confucius, Daoism, and Buddhism. Their position towards women and their role represented a sharp challenge to long-established gender roles. 

Opium War- British needed the opium that was banned by the Emperor. They opened up 5 ports to European traders. After 2nd opium war, they vandalized the Emperor's summer palace outside Beijing. Under this free trade, Europeans were allowed to buy land in China, preach Christianity, and the Chinese were banned from calling the Europeans barbarians. The Qing dynasty remained in power and served the interests of Europeans WELL and CHINESE poor!

The Ottoman Empire

"The sick man of Europe"---> The great powers of the West considered the Ottoman Empire this!
Unable to prevent India, Indonesia, West Africa, Central Asia- from falling into Christian powers. They lost plenty of territories due to invasion from France, Russia, Austria and Britain. Some parts of the empire become independent like Greece, Serbia, and Romania. Capitulations between European countries and the Empire allowed Europeans to penetrate the Ottoman economy. Relied on foreign loans to help their economy and eventually fell into a position of dependency upon Europe like China.

Neither the Chinese nor the Ottomans were able to create the industrial economies or strong states required to fend off European intrusion and restore their former status in the world. Both China and Ottoman Empires gave rise to new nationalist conceptions of society, which were initially small and limited in appeal but of great significance for the future. After the collapse in 1911 of the dynasty led to revolutionary upheaval by 1949 that led to a communist regime. After WW1, led to the creation of a smaller Ottoman Empire (Turkey).

Japan agreed to a series of unequal treaties with Western powers to avoid war and what happened to China. They were of less interest to Western Powers. China had a huge potential market and reputation for Riches and the Ottoman's strategic location at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe. 


Kang Youwei argued what he thought China needed. He argued that Confucianism could be the framework for real change as it protects China from moral degeneration.


These texts were widely considered essentially to preserving the essence of Chinese culture while creating common values among the elite.


Qui Jin left her husband and children to pursue an education in Japan. She was arrested and beheaded in 1907. This document is about her appeal for women's rights.


This document is about the three people's principles.

The other visual sources are about American intrusion, elements of western culture in Asia, Japans efforts at Westernization and (Japan, China and Europe) a reversal of roles.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chapter 18 (pp. 879-912) + Ch 18 documents (visual sources) (pp. 922-929)

Colonial encounters in Asia and Africa:
-Enormous productivity of industrial technology created new need for extensive raw material and agricultural products
-Industrial Capitalism produced more goods than people could buy, they needed to sell their products

Imperalism: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. It promised to solve the class conflicts of an industraizing society while avoiding revolution or the serious redistribution of wealth. 

Britain- India
USA- Phillipines 
Netherlands- East Indies
Japan- Korea
France- Indochina

Europeans viewed the culture and achievements of Asian and African peples through the prism of a new kind of racism, expressed in terms of mordern science. 19th Century. Europeans used prestige and apparatus of science to support their racial views. Result led to hirearchy of races with the whites ontop and the less developed "child races" beneath them. These are part of the harsher sides of imperalism. 

South Pacific territories (Aussie & NZ) were both taken over by the british. Smiliar to early colonization of North America. Conquest was accompanied by large-scale European settlement and diseases that reduced native numbers by 75% or more. These became settle colonies "neo-european" societies in the South Pacific.

Colonial take over changed the way work was performed. Old working ways were eroded almost everywhere int he colonial world. Peasant families (farms) diminished as growing numbers directed their energies to working or selling what they produced as a cash income. The money was necessary to pay taxes, school fees and for buying things that were essential to their survival. Artistans suffered when cheaper machine manufactured merchandies displaced their own hand-made goods. Occupations for blacksmithing and tanning lost their place within African societies. Asian and African merchants were squeezed out by well financed european commercial firms 

King Leopold II of Belgium inflicted the most cruelty upon the people of Congo for rubber that was used in bicycles and automobiles. Forced Labor in the Congo and neigboring German colony of Cameroon laid the foundations of the AIDS epidemic. 

East Africa: White men expected to be called bwana( master) and they called African men "boy." Education for colonial subjects was limited and skewed toward practical subjects rather than scientific and literary studies, which were widely regarded as inappropriate for the primitive mind of natives.
 Europeans were reluctant to allow the highly educated Asians and Africans to enter the higher ranks of the colonial civil service. Most extreme case was south Africa where the largest European population and the widespread use of African labor in mines and industries brought blacks and whites into closer and more prolonged contact than anywhere else in the world.

Growing integration of Asian and African societies into the world economy that increasingly demanded their gold, diamonds, copper, tin, rubber, coffee, cotton, sugar, cocoa, and many others products. 

Religion provided the basis for transformed identities during the colonial era. Most dramatic changes were widespread conversion to christianity took place in NZ, the pacific islands, and especially non muslim Africa. The missionary brought on european medicine, education, gender roles, and culture. 

The first visual piece depicted Africa as a nation with color, culture and a rich country. Colors and the sun suggested that Africa was the new piece of the world that needed to be recognized.

The 2nd visual of the French commander shows him standing over a native fighter that has died in battle. He is heroically leading the forces of converted natives against the natives of the land that do not adhere to French rule. Shows that France is in charge and that even natives are fighting under the French flag. 

the third visual shows Rhodes extending his reach from Egypt to south Africa  Possible shows how far he has come and how much of an influence he has in both regions as a business owner and a european. 

The fourth visual showed the success of the British and French occupation in the African countries. 

the fifth shows the successful Ethiopian stance against the attempted conquest of the Italians. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

EDITED: (pp. 610-615) + Chapter 13 (pp. 617-649).

Spanish focused their empire building projects in the Caribbean and then turned to the mainland in the early 16th century. This is when they conquered the Aztecs in 1521 and the Incas. Countries were simply closer to the Americas than were any potential Asian Competitors. These were Portugal, Britain, Spain and France. The wind of the Atlantic Ocean (once understood) finally blew the ships from Europe towards the Americas. So, technically they were bound to find the Americas sooner or later. 

Demographic collapse of the Native Americans societies was the great dying. 90% of people perished when they came in contact with Europeans who brought disease. The carribbevn, Mexico and Americas populations dwindled from these contacts with the Europeans. Small Pox was the disease. Because of the great dying, it created an acute labor shortage and certainly did make room for IMMIGRANT newcomers, both coloring Europeans and enslaved Africans. European and African people largely replaced the many societies in American before 1492. They brought germs, people, plants and animals. The societies that developed within the American colonies drove the process of GLOBALIZATION and reshaped the world economy of the early modern ear.

  1. Silver mines of Mexico
  2. Peru fueled transatlantic and transpacific commerce
  3. Enabled the Europeans to buy Chinese tea, skill
  4. Plantation owners of the tropical lower region needed workers so that acquired slaves from Africa
This all created a lasting link among Africa, Europe and America. The enormous network of communication, migration trade, disease, and the transfer of plants and animals, all generated by European colonial empires in the Americas has been dubbed the "Colombian Exchange".
It gave rise to something new in world history: an interacting atlantic world connecting four continents. Long term benefits were unequally distributed. Mountains of information poured into Europe, changing the conventional understanding of the world and contributing to a revolutionary way of thinking known as the Scientific Revolution!

1521- Fall of the Aztec Empire

Large-scale sugar production introduced by the Arabs into the Mediterranean. Brazil dominated the world in the export of sugar and Portugal also. Slaves on these plantations came from Africa, the most slaves came here instead of the Americas. Why? Because the ones in America mated with each other and their children were born into slavery. In the south, when they were born, they were born free. So they needed more slaves.

The Chinese, Mughal and Ottoman empires continued older patterns of historical development. European empires had a far greater impact on the peoples they incorporated than did other empires. Nowhere else did empire building cause a catastrophic population decrease as the Americas. Europe was finally enriched and transformed from their American possessions far more than China and the Ottomans were by their territorial acquisitions.